But let's take a look at two apologies (and i use the term loosely, as you shall see) - one from Mike Huckabee, and then one from Fred Thompson.
First, Governor Huckabee personally apologized to Mitt Romney for the way his question about Mormon beliefs, as posed to a NYT reporter, had been misconstrued and blown up by the media into a big to-do. You can hear the governor discuss it in this interview on Morning Joe, about 4 minutes into the video.
That's how an honorable man does it, how a leader handles things. By all accounts, Romney was gracious and accepted the apology, as both governors hoped to move on.
Contrast that with this "apology" from Fred Thompson. An excerpt:
"We apologize for telling reporters that a BA in Biblical Studies from Ouachita Baptist University doesn’t, in fact, make Huckabee more qualified to fight the war on terror than say…Fred Thompson."
Besides being quite rude, this missive fails not only on the humor meter, but also on the truth meter. It is the typical sort of politics that turns off so many Americans. Throw out a bunch of half-truths and spin, and hope your voters aren't smart enough to see through it. It is not the best of America. We can do better.
At the youtube debate, when each candidate was permitted to air their own 30-second ads, only Fred Thompson went negative. I immediately thought, "this is the end of the Fred Thompson campaign." And repeated polls confirm that Fred is falling more out of favor every day.
- In Iowa, Fred polls in the single-digits, and i predict he'll curry fewer delegates there than does Ron Paul, of all people.
- In New Hampshire, Fred is polling at HALF the level of gadfly Paul.
- He's in single-digits in Michigan.
- He lost the lead in South Carolina, and is closer to 6th place than to first place.
- Huckabee outpolls Fred by 3-1 in Nevada.
- Fred is in single digits in Florida, where Huckabee just pulled into the lead over Giuliani.
- In fact, if you look at all the posted December polls at Real Clear Politics, you cannot find a single one, nationwide or for any single state, where Thompson is favored over Huckabee.
It seems clear to me that the people have weighed the two men, and have made their choice. One guy is positive; the other is nothing but snarky and negative. In my experience, in a contest like this, people turn negative about others when they can't think of anything positive to say about themselves.
1 comment:
I too thought Huckabee's apology was sincere and direct, but I think Huckabee got caught in a rhetorical contradiction. Prior to that gaffe, Huck's standard line on religion was that "he could not speak for anyone's faith." But it appears that he violated this during that interview with that newspaper reporter.
Personally, all the focus on religion this campaign seasons really bothers me. But I realize this is a big deal to a large part of the GOP base, so...
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