Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Must-Read Blogger

Many of the Huckabee focused blogs, while well intentioned, are little more than echos of the main site, merely cut/pasting stories. Shadow sites, essentially. That's cool. And some are self-admitted cheerleader blogs. That's cool, too. I do that here from time to time.

But i do wish more Huckabee bloggers would craft original pieces. Do some analysis. Tie broad policy positions to their unique life situations. Tell us a story. Something new and different.

One blogger that is doing a great job with that is Joshua Trevino. I would direct everyone to his posts from today (12/12) and yesterday (12/11), defending Governor Huckabee on his 1992 AIDS isolation comments and on his foreign policy experience, respectively. He expertly takes mainstream conservative media (Wall St. Journal and National Review) to task over slipshod reporting on these two topics.

These are must-read entries. And Mr. Trevino goes on the blogroll.

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