Saturday, October 6, 2007

Getting on the Huckabee Bandwagon

This long one was written just a few weeks ago, on 9/15/07...

I'd like to invite all my readers onto the Mike Huckabee bandwagon. I hopped on back in February, and the train is gaining steam and passengers. I welcome you aboard!

Mike is, of course, running for President. He is a Republican, and most recently served as governor of Arkansas for 10 years. If you know anything about Arkansas politics, you know how unusual it is to have a GOP governor there. And yet Mike won elections, first as Lt. Governor, and then two different terms as the head of state. I wasn't paying attention to all this at the time, but having watched him this past half-year, i can readily understand how Huckabee won over a majority of Arkansans. He has this engaging, folksy, honest style that really connects with people.

In the course of this campaign, those traits are in full bloom, and the media gushes over him (how often do you see that of a conservative?). When people get to hear his message, and get to know him, Mike wins hearts and votes. So, it's dismaying (if not infuriating) to hear comments like this: "I like Mike, and would support him if he had a chance to win." I can only guess that such comments are based on poll numbers. But early poll numbers are merely functions of name recognition. When you see campaigns in full swing, and voters become engaged in actually making a real decision, Huckabee begins vaulting to the top tier. I firmly believe this trend can continue countrywide, and that Mike Huckabee CAN win. If the people who like him would get behind him, he WILL win the nomination.

I also believe he's the GOP's best chance to win the general election, too. It's easy for me to see Huckabee pulling in moderates, without alienating the conservative base. We don't have to compromise our ardent beliefs for a guy like Giuliani. We don't have to back a trust-fund flip-flopping game-show-host just because he's raised a ton of dough from his Wall Street pals and fellow Mormons. We don't have to settle for a lazy guy who's a front-runner only because he's starred on a popular TV show. With Huckabee, you can cast your vote proudly, without having to hold your nose. We don't have to settle for a phony; in Huckabee, we can get the real deal.

Moderates and political skimmers will be attracted to Huckabee, again because of his engaging nature. He's the consummate Sam's Club (that link is well worth your time to read) candidate, and not just because he's from Arkansas. He connects, through his life history and his easy way of relating complex issues to everyday Americans, with regular folks, the bread and butter of America. I think he's absolutely the right guy at the right time for our country.

If only as a courtesy to my passion, i encourage you to check out Mike's website, and to consider a donation, large or small, to Team Huckabee. Consider it a contribution to an American political process that isn't solely about Hollywood luster or the ability to get millionaires behind you. Consider it an investment in our future. Do it for Mike.

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