Sunday, October 7, 2007

Why Huck the System?

What is the purpose of this blog, and why that title?

My hope for this blog is to support the Presidential candidacy of Mike Huckabee, by helping out in various ways.
  • Educating readers about Huckabee - what he stands for, what his vision is, his character
  • Securing the Republican nomination and the general election in 2008 - this could mean fundraising, letter writing campaigns, asking for votes, etc
  • Raising the level of political discourse above the ever-increasing Freak Show
  • Convincing you that Huckabee can win
  • Filtering through, and bringing you the best of, other Huckabee blog posts

Why "Huck the System"?

On one level, it's just a clever play on Mike's last name. But it also represents, for me, the notion that Mike Huckabee brings a different mindset to politics. He brings a perspective from outside the Beltway, outside the system. The system, in this case, is the politics-as-usual approach that has led to all-time lows in approval ratings for both the President and the Congress. It is a money-driven system. In fact, i would call it not just driven by money, but enslaved by it. It's a system that rewards and feeds on pop-news, personality, and looks. It's a ratings-driven media freak show, which rewards partisan shouting and meaningless soundbites and clever (if not mean-spirited) attacks.

It's not that i believe that one man can change all that. But it is a call to Americans to rise above that, for the sake of our future. To approach divisive issues not only with passion, but with respect and pragmatism. To be watchdogs of the public trust, so that our leaders do not become entrenched, do not seek power over principle, power for its own sake. To be watchdogs of the public coffers (our tax dollars), so that we are not bequeathing loads of debt to our grandchildren for frivolities and power-consolidating moves that drive so many ear-marks in Congress.

Enough! Let's Buck the System. Or, if Huckabee's your guy, let's Huck the System.

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