Thursday, January 10, 2008


I just made my second contribution to the Huckabee campaign. I encourage all of our readers to make one, too. The $1,000,000 goal was already met today, but don't wait. When I click oso's Ranger link, it doesn't automatically include his donor code on the donation page, so if it doesn't for you, make sure you add Donor Code r69.

I'd like oso to update us with his current fundraising total. I'm curious if he's close to his $5000 goal.

1 comment:

oso diablo said...

unfortunately, it's been slow going on the contribution goal. I know there are more people supporting Huckabee reading this blog, folks that haven't contributed yet. It's time to step up and make your voice heard. We contribute to our democratic process not just with our single vote.